Guide for Requirements to Lodge Application Forms, Filling and Process in 2024 Slovakia

Slovakia Flag

Slovakia welcome total 87 countries visa free or visa on arrival and about million tourist visit every year.

Embassy of Slovakia

Apply Visa for Slovakia

Electronic visa request

Please fill in the fields with gray background, these fields are mandatory. Fields with green backgrounds are mandatory only if you choose to fill the respective information group.

The questions marked with * do not have to be answered by family members of EU or EEA citizens (spouse,child or dependent ascendant). Family members of citizens of member states have to present documents to prove this relationship credibly.


1. first names

2. Surnames

3. surname at birth

4. Gender

5. date of birth

6. marital status

7. additional text to other marital status

8. Nationality

9. nationality at birth

10. other nationalities

11. other nationalities        add nationality to the list

12. country of birth

13. place of birth

Finger Prints

14. collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa ?

15. date of scanning (if known)


16. telephone number

17. fax number

18. E-mail

19. Street

20. house number

21. zip code

22. City

23. Country

Travel document

24. travel document type

25. additional text to other travel document type

26. travel document number

27. issued by

28. date of issue

29. valid until


30. border of first entry

*31. date of arrival

*32. date of departure

33. duration of stay

34. main destinations

35. main destination        add main destination to the list

36. number of entries

37. visa type

38. travel agency

39. purposes of travel list

40. purpose of travel

41. additional text to other purpose of travell        

add purpose of travel to the list

Permit for residence country

42. permit for residence country number

43. permit for residence country - valid until

In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination?

44. number of permit for final destination

45. Valid from

46. yes, valid until

47. Issuing authority

previous stays - State the date from - to and the country of previous residence.

48. previous stays

49. Date from.

50. Date to.


*51. host person`s first names

*52. host person`s surnames

*53. host person`s street

*54. house number

*55. host person`s city

*56. host person`s country

57. host person`s zip code

58. host person`s telephone number

59. host person`s fax number

60. host person's email

Host Company

*61. company name

62. host company`s street

63. host company`s house number

*64. host company`s city

*65. host company`s country

66. host company`s zip code

67. host company`s telephone number

68. host company`s fax number

69. host company's email

*70. contact persons`s first names

*71. contact persons`s surnames

72. contact person`s street

73. contact person`s house number

*74. contact person`s city

*75. contact person`s country

76. contact person`s zip code

77. contact person`s telephone number

78. contact person`s fax number

79. contact person's email


*80. occupation type

*81. additional text to other occupation type

*82. employer name

83. occupation street

84. house number

*85. occupation city

*86. occupation country

87. occupation zip code

88. occupation telephone number

89. occupation fax number’

90. occupation email


*91. sponsor type

*92. additional text to other sponsor type


*93. support type

*94. additional text to other support type

95. valid until

Legal Guardian - To be filled in in case of application of the minor.

96. legal guardian first names

97. legal guardian - surnames

98. legal guardian - sex

99. nationality

100. telephone number

101. fax number

102. e-mail

103. street

104. house number

105. zip code

106. City

107. Country

EU Citizen

108. EU citizen`s nationality

109. EU citizen`s passport number

110. EU citizen`s family relationship to applicant

111. EU citizen`s date of birth

112. EU citizen`s first names

113. EU citizen`s surnames


114. Captcha

Electronic Visa Request

Electronic Visa Request

Electronic Visa Request

Electronic Visa Request

Electronic Visa Request

Electronic Visa Request