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The Complete Handbook for Acquiring Italian Citizenship Your Ultimate Guide

The Complete Handbook for Acquiring Italian Citizenship Your Ultimate Guide

Italy is an ideal place in Europe for living, working, and settling down permanently. Gaining Italian citizenship offers numerous benefits, including the right to reside, work, vote, and obtain an Italian passport. An Italian passport allows visa-free travel to 174 countries. Italy also provides employment and investment opportunities for non-EU entrepreneurs. If you're interested in becoming an Italian citizen, this article will guide you through the citizenship application process and provide information on passport requirements to help you get started.

How to Obtain Italian Citizenship

Italy, as a member of the European Union (EU), offers several benefits to its citizens. Italian citizenship grants you the freedom to travel without restrictions to all 26 Schengen countries, including Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Germany, and Greece. Additionally, as an Italian citizen, you can reside indefinitely in any EU member state such as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein by acquiring permanent residence rights.

Moreover, Italian citizens enjoy visa-free access to many countries outside the European Union. These advantages become available once you obtain legal Italian citizenship. Furthermore, Italy allows dual citizenship, enabling individuals to retain their citizenship from their home country while becoming Italian citizens.

The duration for acquiring Italian dual citizenship varies based on individual circumstances and the available options for obtaining dual citizenship status in Italy.

Basic Methods to Acquire Italian Citizenship

There are three main ways to acquire Italian citizenship:

  • Jure sanguinis (right of blood) - Citizenship by descent based on ancestral heritage with no limit on the number of generations. It doesn't require both parents or at least one parent to be an Italian citizen or lawful resident. Children with an Italian citizen parent, foreign parents, or an Italian female ancestor four generations down the line can apply for Italian citizenship by descent if they can prove their Italian heritage.
  • Marriage to an Italian national - Citizenship can be obtained by marrying an Italian citizen.
  • Naturalization - After ten years of residency in Italy, individuals can apply for citizenship through naturalization. Other options, such as the Italy Golden Visa, provide a permanent residence permit that allows legal residence in the country until eligible for naturalization.

Italian Citizenship by Naturalization: A Detailed Overview

Italian citizenship is a valuable privilege that grants individuals a range of rights and benefits, including the ability to apply for an Italian passport. Before embarking on the citizenship application process, it is important to understand the prerequisites and required documents. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Italian citizenship by naturalization, outlining the various methods available and the specific requirements associated with each.

Citizenship by Birth

One of the most common paths to Italian citizenship is through birth. Individuals born in Italy or abroad to documented Italian lineage can automatically claim Italian citizenship. This provision applies not only to those with Italian parents but also to individuals born in Italy whose parents are unknown. No formal application is required in these cases, as the right to citizenship is acquired automatically when the conditions of citizenship by descent are met.

Citizenship by Naturalization

Naturalization is the process by which individuals who have lived in Italy for a total of ten consecutive years with permanent residence status can acquire Italian citizenship. The process involves several stages:

  • Obtaining a Permit for Residence: To begin the journey towards Italian citizenship, individuals must first obtain a permit for residence in Italy. With this permit, they can legally reside in the country for a period of five years.
  • Applying for Permanent Residence: After completing five years of legal residence in Italy, individuals can apply for permanent residence status.
  • Meeting Naturalization Requirements: To qualify for Italian citizenship by naturalization, individuals must spend an additional five years in the country, totaling ten years of continuous residence. During this period, they must demonstrate a regular source of income and fulfill their tax obligations.

Non-European Union (EU) citizens who have lived in Italy for ten years with permanent residence permits are eligible to apply for Italian citizenship at an Italian Consulate. It is worth noting that, as an EU member state, acquiring Italian citizenship also grants individuals EU citizenship.

Citizenship by Descent

In Italy, there is little distinction between citizenship by birth and citizenship by descent. Children born in Italy or abroad to at least one Italian parent have the right to apply for Italian citizenship at birth. This provision allows individuals to obtain dual citizenship based on their Italian heritage in the family lineage. This process, commonly known as Italian Citizenship by jure sanguinis or "right of blood," enables individuals to apply for dual citizenship by confirming their Italian ancestry.

To apply for Italian citizenship by descent, individuals must request vital records from a relevant Italian Consulate or seek assistance from third-party services specializing in Italian citizenship matters. The procedures for this method are similar to naturalization, but the process is usually faster.

Citizenship by Marriage

Spouses of legal Italian citizens who reside in Italy can become eligible for dual citizenship status after two years of marriage, based on Italian citizenship law. For individuals living outside of Italy, the minimum period of matrimony required before applying for citizenship is three years. The specific time periods may vary, and it is advisable to consult the local Italian Consulate for precise information.

Other Options for Acquiring Italian Citizenship

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are a few other options to acquire Italian citizenship:

  • Citizenship by Adoption: Children with adoptive Italian parents can acquire Italian citizenship. The right to citizenship for these children is valid from the date of the finalization of the adoption.
  • Citizenship for Servicemen: Individuals who have served the Italian government for five years, even if the service was conducted outside the country, may be eligible to obtain Italian citizenship. This particular process does not require meeting the ten-year residency requirement.


Italian citizenship offers numerous advantages and opportunities. Whether through descent, marriage, naturalization, adoption, or military service, individuals can embark on a path to become Italian citizens. Understanding the specific requirements and procedures associated with each method is crucial before initiating the citizenship application process. By following the appropriate steps and providing the necessary documentation, individuals can navigate the journey towards Italian citizenship and enjoy the benefits it brings.

More About Italian Citizenship by Naturalization

More About Italian Citizenship by Naturalization

Italian citizenship by naturalization is a viable option for foreigners who have no familial ties to Italy but wish to become Italian citizens. Although the process can be intricate and time-consuming, it provides an accessible pathway for individuals seeking to obtain Italian citizenship. This article will delve into the details of the naturalization process and provide important information for those interested in pursuing Italian citizenship.

Obtaining a Visa and Residence Permit

To initiate the process of obtaining Italian citizenship through naturalization, you must first acquire a visa that allows a stay of at least six months in Italy. This visa will enable you to apply for a residence permit. It is essential to note that the residence permit must be valid or renewable for a minimum of five years to qualify for permanent residency. One popular option for becoming a resident is through the Italy Golden Visa program. This program is an investment immigration initiative that offers a temporary residence permit, which can be renewed until eligibility for permanent residence status is attained.

For comprehensive information about the Italy Golden Visa program and how it can assist you in your journey towards Italian citizenship, we recommend referring to our article titled "Italy Golden Visa: The Ultimate Guide for Expats."

Permanent Residence and Italian Dual Citizenship

Once you have resided in Italy for a continuous period of five years, you become eligible for permanent residence. This status grants you the right to reside indefinitely in Italy. However, if your goal is to acquire Italian dual citizenship, you must fulfill a requirement of ten years of residency.

To obtain a permanent residence permit, you must provide evidence that you have been living in Italy with a registered address. It is necessary to spend a minimum of 183 days per year within the country. Additionally, the Italian authorities require applicants to have spent no more than ten months outside of Italy during the last five years before submitting their citizenship application.

Application and Italian Passport

Once you have met the necessary residency requirements and are ready to apply for Italian citizenship, you can submit your application. After the completion of the application process, if your application is approved, you will have the opportunity to apply for an Italian passport. This can be done at the Italian Consulate in your jurisdiction.


Obtaining Italian citizenship through naturalization requires a significant investment of time and effort. It is crucial to understand the requirements and procedures involved in the process. This article has provided an overview of the steps involved, including obtaining a visa and residence permit, achieving permanent residency, and applying for Italian citizenship and passport. By following these guidelines and consulting the appropriate authorities, you can navigate the path towards acquiring Italian citizenship through naturalization.



Minimum income to be confirmed


€961.30 ($1,049.35)

Applicant with spouse

€11,362 ($12,397)

Each child under 18 years of age

€516 ($563)

Specific requirements:

To successfully complete your citizenship application, please ensure that you fulfill the following requirements and provide the necessary documents:

  • Proof of Income: You must submit valid proof of income for the three years preceding your citizenship application. This could include income statements, employment contracts, or any other official documentation that demonstrates your income sources during this period.
  • Income Tax Returns: It is crucial to provide documents of your income tax returns to establish that you have been a regular taxpayer. This will help verify your compliance with tax regulations and contribute to the assessment of your application.
  • Italian Language Proficiency: You are required to be proficient in Italian and pass the B1 level of the Italian language test. This examination is conducted by reputable institutes such as the Dante Alighieri Society and the University for Foreigners in Roma Tre, Perugia, and Siena. The test assesses your ability to understand, speak, read, and write Italian at an intermediate level.
  • Language Test Exemption: If you have obtained a graduate degree in Italy, you may be exempted from the Italian language test. This exemption applies to individuals who earned a diploma after 2015 from the Provincial Centre for Adult Education (CPIA).
  • Proof of No Criminal Record: An essential document required for your application is proof of a clean criminal record in Italy and the countries where you have resided during your period of residence. This document ensures that you have adhered to Italian law and demonstrates your compliance. The certificate must not be older than 180 days and should be accompanied by a sworn translation into Italian, which must be notarized.

Please make sure to gather all the necessary documents and fulfill these requirements to enhance the chances of a successful citizenship application.

Italian Citizenship by Descent: The Jure Sanguinis Method

Jus Sanguinis, also known as "right of blood," refers to the legal principle that grants citizenship based on family heritage. In Italy, the law regarding citizenship by descent is straightforward. Individuals with Italian parents, grandparents, or other Italian ancestors have the entitlement to Italian citizenship. What makes this Italian law unique is that there is no limit on the number of generations that can claim citizenship.

To obtain dual citizenship through jus sanguinis, you will need to gather official documents pertaining to your family members from their place of residence. This can be done by contacting the Italian Consulate or Embassy. If you find the process overwhelming, you can seek assistance from a third-party company specialized in Italian citizenship services.

In order to qualify for Italian citizenship through descent, you must have a registered address in Italy and reside in the country for a minimum of three years. The residency requirement mandates that you spend at least six months and one day in Italy per year.

Here are the requirements for Italian citizenship:

  • Certified copies of official documents establishing your ancestor's Italian residence.
  • A document issued by the Italian Consulate confirming that neither your ancestors nor you have renounced Italian citizenship.
  • Income certificates from the last three years and supporting documents of income tax returns. The income criteria are the same as those required for naturalization.
  • Evidence that your ancestor did not acquire citizenship of any other country through naturalization before your birth.

Previously, citizenship by descent was only available through paternal ancestral roots. However, a modification in the law now allows individuals born after January 1, 1948, with a maternal ancestor, to be eligible for the same benefits.

Upon obtaining Italian citizenship by descent, you will enjoy all the privileges and rights of an Italian citizen, including the possession of a European Union passport.

Becoming an Italian Citizen through Marriage

If you are married to an Italian citizen, you have the opportunity to obtain Italian citizenship through marriage. This process, known as Jure Matrimonii, grants you the right to apply for citizenship in Italy. However, there are certain requirements and criteria that must be fulfilled to be eligible for this citizenship route.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for Italian citizenship through marriage, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Marriage Duration: You must be married for a specific duration before you can apply for citizenship. If you and your Italian spouse live in Italy, the minimum required duration is two years. However, if you reside abroad, you must be married for at least three years to submit a valid citizenship application for foreign spouses.
  • Marriage Certificate: You need to possess a legally recognized marriage certificate that proves your marital status.
  • Residency: It is important to be physically present in Italy before applying for citizenship. If you live in Italy with your Italian spouse and have a child under the age of 18 (biological or adopted), you only need to wait for one year before you, as the non-Italian spouse, can apply for citizenship. For couples residing outside Italy, the waiting period is 18 months.
  • Language Proficiency: According to a 2018 amendment to the Italian citizenship law, the non-Italian spouse must prove a B1 level of proficiency in the Italian language test. This requirement aims to ensure that the applicant has a basic understanding of Italian, which facilitates integration into Italian society.
  • Civil Union: It is essential to provide evidence of a civil union, demonstrating that your marriage is legally recognized and valid.
  • Same-Sex Couples: This particular citizenship process is also applicable to same-sex couples in Italy. The eligibility requirements remain the same for same-sex marriages.

Timing for Citizenship Application

The timing for applying for Italian citizenship through marriage varies based on different categories. To help you understand the minimum duration required for each category, refer to the following simplified chart:


Minimum Duration of Marriage

Couples living in Italy

2 years

Couples living abroad

3 years

Couples living in Italy with a child under 18

1 year

Couples living abroad with a child under 18

18 months


Becoming an Italian citizen through marriage, or Jure Matrimonii, provides a pathway to citizenship for foreign spouses of Italian citizens. By fulfilling the specific requirements, such as the duration of marriage, possessing a marriage certificate, meeting residency criteria, demonstrating language proficiency, and proving the civil union, you can initiate the application process. It is essential to carefully review the eligibility criteria and consult with relevant authorities or legal professionals to ensure a smooth and successful application for Italian citizenship through marriage.

Obtaining Italian Citizenship through Investment

Italy offers attractive residence permits to foreign investors who are willing to contribute to the country's economy. This program, known as the Italy Golden Visa, shares similarities with other popular investment immigration schemes such as the Portugal Golden Visa and Spanish Golden Visa.

To be eligible for the Italy Golden Visa, foreign applicants must provide the necessary documentation demonstrating an annual income exceeding €100,000 ($109,000). However, if candidates plan to make a substantial investment ranging from €300,000 to €500,000 ($327,000 to $546,000), the income requirement can be reduced to €35,000 ($38,200).

Amount of investment


€250,000 ($273,000)

Investing in unique Italian startups


Investing in authorized capitals of Italian organizations

€1 million ($1.09 million)

As a loan to any Italian limited company

€1 million

Contributing to any philanthropic activity

€2 million ($2.18 million)

Investing in government bonds


Foreign investors are subjected to stringent due diligence procedures, which include verifying the legal origin of their investment funds. Initially, successful applicants receive a two-year residence permit, which can be extended for an additional three years as long as the investment is maintained. After a total of five years of residency, applicants become eligible to directly apply for Italian citizenship.

It's important to note that if you're not interested in acquiring Italian citizenship, you are not required to reside in Italy to maintain your investment.

Essential Documents for the Italian Citizenship Application

To ensure a smooth application process for Italian citizenship, it is important to provide the necessary documents to the Italian Consulate. Regardless of the chosen method of application, certain standard documents are required. These documents include:

  • Completed applicant's questionnaire.
  • Original passports of the applicant and notarized, translated copies of passports belonging to the applicant's family members.
  • Certified copy of the residence permit issued by any Italian municipality.
  • Police clearance certificate and record of no criminal offenses committed by the applicant in Italy and in any other countries where the applicant has previously resided.
  • Application fee of €300 ($327).
  • Four passport-size photographs.
  • Postal stamps.

Please note that the specific documents required may vary depending on the method of citizenship application. For detailed information on the required documents for each application method, please refer to the relevant sections mentioned earlier.

Where to Apply for Italian Citizenship

Regardless of the method you choose to apply for Italian citizenship, it is essential to complete the designated form available on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. You will be required to upload scanned copies of all the necessary documents and await approval of your application. Once the preliminary review is complete, you will be assigned a specific date to submit the original required documents to a nearby municipality.

The timeframe for the approval of citizenship can vary from as little as three months to up to three years, depending on the complexity of your individual circumstances. If you require legal assistance with your Italian citizenship application, our team of legal experts is readily available to provide immediate support. Feel free to contact us for prompt guidance and support in navigating the process.

Alternative Options to Italian Citizenship

Obtaining Italian citizenship through naturalization typically requires a minimum residence period of ten years, making it impractical for some individuals. However, there are several other European Union (EU) member states that offer faster and more convenient pathways to citizenship through investments, permanent residences, and work permits.

By acquiring citizenship in another EU country, you gain the advantage of freely living, studying, working, and traveling within the European Union. If the process of obtaining Italian citizenship seems too lengthy for your circumstances, we recommend referring to an article that highlights the easiest countries to obtain citizenship. Furthermore, if your goal is to become an EU citizen and remain in Europe, we encourage you to explore our comprehensive guide on how to achieve this aspiration.


Do foreigners have the opportunity to obtain citizenship in Italy?

Yes, Italy offers various pathways for foreigners to acquire citizenship, including through descent, marriage, or naturalization. To begin the process, individuals must submit an application at the Italian Consulate in their home country. Another option is to invest in Italy, which can lead to permanent residence and eventually citizenship.

Is the process of obtaining Italian citizenship straightforward?

Obtaining Italian citizenship, like in most countries, is a complex and time-consuming process. However, individuals who are married to an Italian citizen or have Italian ancestry may find it easier to become Italian citizens.

What are the costs associated with applying for Italian citizenship?

The primary application fee for Italian citizenship is €300 ($327). Additionally, applicants must demonstrate an annual income of at least €8,264 ($9,017) to meet the eligibility criteria.

Can Americans pursue Italian citizenship?

Yes, Americans, as well as individuals from other nationalities, have the opportunity to become Italian citizens. Many Americans already have the right to Italian citizenship through jus sanguinis (right of blood) based on their Italian heritage. Children born with Italian ancestry, whether it be through their father, maternal grandfather, or any other Italian ancestor, are eligible for Italian citizenship and can hold dual citizenship.

Is the process of acquiring Italian citizenship in Italy fast?

The length of time it takes to process an Italian citizenship application and acquire dual citizenship depends on the waiting times at the local Italian Consulate and the specific circumstances of the applicant. Generally, the quickest route is Italian citizenship by descent, if there is a short waiting time at the consular office and the applicant possesses the necessary documents to prove their Italian parent, female ancestor, or other confirmed Italian ancestry. In such cases, it is possible to be granted Italian dual citizenship and a second passport within three to nine months.


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