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Invitation Letter for Visa Application

Invitation Letter for Visa Application

Writing a letter of invitation for your visa application can seem like a daunting task. However, with our comprehensive guide, you will find the process simple and straightforward.

By following these steps, you will be able to confidently compose your own invitation letter.

What is an Invitation Letter for Visa Application?

An invitation letter serves as a crucial document for various visa applications, as it confirms that you have been invited by someone residing in another country. This letter is typically issued by the inviting individual who acknowledges your intention to visit their place of residence.

Key points about an invitation letter:

  • The letter is written by the person extending the invitation.
  • You are usually required to provide your passport or residency details along with the letter.
  • There are different types of invitation letters, such as those for business, medical treatment, or educational purposes.
  • The host, who is inviting the applicant, expresses their willingness to accommodate the applicant during their stay. This letter may be handed over to the applicant or submitted directly to the consular official.

Requirements for Writing an Invitation Letter

While not all embassies worldwide mandate a letter of invitation, it is strongly recommended to submit one, even if it is considered optional.

To ensure acceptance of the letter of invitation, the host should meet the following criteria:

  • Relationship: The host must be a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, or relative of the applicant.
  • Citizenship or Residency: The host must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the country you plan to visit (your destination).
  • Accommodation: The host should have adequate space in their home or flat to accommodate the visa applicant.

Please note that even if the embassy does not require a letter of invitation, providing one can still serve as valuable supporting documentation for the visa application process.

How to Write a Letter of Invitation for Visa Application

Writing a letter of invitation for visa purposes may seem daunting, but once you understand its purpose, it becomes a straightforward task. The host is responsible for composing the letter, which should be addressed either to you or the consular officer handling the visa application.

When you receive the required documents for the visa application, it is important to check if any embassies provide their own invitation form. If a form is available, your host will only need to fill in the necessary details.

In case there is no specific form provided, we have provided some examples below that can be tailored to your specific situation.

When crafting a visa invitation letter, the key focus should be on including essential information about both the host and the guest. Therefore, the following details about the host must be incorporated into the letter:

  • Full Name (as shown on their International Passport)
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Occupation
  • Type of residence (e.g., house, apartment)
  • Host's status in the host country (e.g., work visa, student visa, permanent resident, citizen, or any other legal status)
  • Relationship between the host and the guest
  • Purpose of the visit (e.g., friendly visit, holiday, wedding, birthday party)
  • Exact entry date and exit date
  • Signature

It is worth noting that many visa applications get rejected due to improper formatting of the invitation letter. Additionally, the tone of the letter should strike a balance between being too formal or excessively casual. It is important to demonstrate a close relationship between you and the visitor.

Please find below some improved and rewritten content for the information provided:

Sample of Invitation Letter for Visa

Embassy of [Country Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Invitation Letter for Visa Application of [Applicant's Name], Passport No. [Passport Number]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Applicant's Name] for their visit to [Country Name]. I, [Host's Name], am a citizen/permanent resident of [Country Name], currently residing at [Host's Address].

[Include information about the relationship between the host and the applicant, such as being friends, relatives, or acquaintances.]

[Applicant's Name] intends to visit me in [Country Name] from [Arrival Date: DD/MM/YY] to [Departure Date: DD/MM/YY] for the purpose of tourism. During their stay, we have planned to explore various tourist destinations, cities, and places, including [List tourist destinations, cities, or places]. We have already made arrangements for specific activities such as [Include details of booked tours, agenda, or itinerary]. Throughout the visit, [Applicant's Name] will be residing at my address, [Host's Address], until their departure to [Applicant's Home Country]. The expenses for this trip will be fully covered by [Applicant's Name] through [Provide means of funding].

Should you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

[Host's Name]

[Host's Address]

[Host's Phone Number]

[Host's Email]

[Attach copies of the host's residence permit, proof of residence, and any other applicable supporting documents.]

Please note that this is a sample invitation letter, and you should tailor it to your specific circumstances and follow the guidelines provided by the embassy or consulate of the respective country.

Where to Submit the Letter of Invitation

If you are applying for a US visa, you will need to submit a visitor's letter and a visa application form to the U.S. embassy or consulate. These documents, along with the necessary supporting materials, should be delivered prior to your visa interview. Your host can assist by scanning and sending the required documents to you, which you will then present on the day of your interview at the embassy or consulate.

What is a Visa Cover Letter?

The visa cover letter is a crucial document that provides essential information about your intended visit to a specific country. Consider it as a persuasive letter explaining why you meet the requirements and deserve to be granted a visa.

It's important to address the cover letter to the appropriate authority, such as the Embassy, Consulate, or Visa Application Center, where you intend to submit your visa application. It's worth noting that each cover letter will differ depending on the purpose of your trip. The content of your visa letter should align with the specific purpose of your visit.

Types of Visa Cover Letters

Types of Visa Cover Letters

When preparing your visa cover letter, it is important to tailor the content based on the purpose of your trip. There are three main types of cover letters that you can consider:

  • Cover Letter for Tourism Purposes: If you are applying for a visa for tourism purposes, it is recommended to write the cover letter yourself as the applicant. In this letter, you should provide relevant details about your planned trip, including the purpose of your visit, the places you intend to visit, and the duration of your stay. Additionally, you can mention any previous travel experiences that demonstrate your commitment to abiding by the immigration laws and returning to your home country after the trip. It is crucial to highlight your ties to your home country, such as family, employment, or property ownership, to assure the visa officer of your intention to return.
  • Cover Letter for Business Purposes: In the case of a business trip, it is generally appropriate for your employer to write the cover letter on your behalf. The letter should outline the nature of the business activities, including meetings, conferences, or negotiations that you will be participating in. It should also mention the purpose of these activities, the companies or individuals you will be collaborating with, and the expected outcomes or benefits for your employer. Including information about your position within the company and your past professional achievements can strengthen your application. Emphasize that your employer supports and sponsors your trip, and that you have a strong incentive to return to fulfill your work responsibilities.
  • Cover Letter for Medical Purposes: If your purpose of travel is related to medical treatment, it is advisable to obtain a cover letter from an authorized medical institution. This letter should explain the medical condition for which you require treatment, the specific treatment plan, the expected duration of your stay, and the assurance of financial resources to cover the expenses. Additionally, the letter should highlight the reputation and expertise of the medical institution in providing the necessary treatment, ensuring that you receive proper care. It is crucial to demonstrate that you have made arrangements for your accommodation and any post-treatment requirements in order to convince the visa officer of your genuine medical needs.

Regardless of the type of cover letter, remember to include any supporting documents that validate the information provided, such as flight itineraries, hotel reservations, or invitation letters. These documents will strengthen your application and demonstrate your preparedness for the trip.

Information to Include in a Visa Cover Letter

Crafting a compelling cover letter for a visa application requires meticulous attention to detail. Your goal is to convince the Embassy/Consular staff of your eligibility for a visa. Keep in mind that a standard visa cover letter serves to establish the purpose of your travel to the intended destination. In this section, I will provide a sample letter that outlines the purpose of your travel.

Typically, your visa cover letter should contain the following information:

  • Reason for visiting the country: Clearly state the purpose of your visit, whether it's for tourism, business, education, or any other specific reason.
  • Planned entry and exit dates: Provide the dates you intend to enter and leave the country. You can also include your flight reservations to support your itinerary.
  • Detailed itinerary: Present a comprehensive plan of activities you intend to undertake during your stay. This could include sightseeing, attending conferences, meetings, or any other relevant details.
  • Financial means of support: Furnish evidence to demonstrate that you possess sufficient financial resources to sustain yourself throughout your visit. This can include bank statements, income proof, or any other relevant documentation.
  • Accommodation arrangements: Specify where you plan to stay during your visit. If you have made reservations, include the name and details of the hotel. You can refer to your proof of accommodation, such as a hotel reservation, to support this information.
  • Other countries to be visited: If your travel itinerary includes multiple countries, provide a list of the additional destinations you plan to visit. This helps the Embassy/Consular staff understand your complete travel plans.
  • Sponsorship details (if applicable): If someone will be sponsoring your trip, explain your relationship with them and how they will support you financially. Provide relevant details and documentation to support this sponsorship arrangement.
  • Explanation for missing documents: If you are unable to submit any of the required documents, clearly explain the reasons for their absence. Additionally, describe the alternative documents you have provided that may fulfill the same purpose.
  • Any other relevant information: Include any additional details that you believe are pertinent to your visa application. This can include past travel experiences, language skills, or any connections you have in the destination country.

Remember, you can use supporting or required documents to substantiate the purpose of your trip. For instance, if you have a hotel reservation, mention the hotel name in your letter and attach the reservation confirmation as supporting evidence. For example, "My friend and I have made arrangements to stay at ABC Hotel in Paris. Please find attached our complete hotel reservation."

By including these essential details in your cover letter, you enhance your chances of presenting a strong case for your visa application.

Required Details for Medical Purposes

The content of a cover letter for medical purposes, usually drafted by a doctor or specialist, can be rephrased as follows:

  • Patient's Diagnosis and History: Our patient has been diagnosed with [specific diagnosis], and it is crucial to outline their medical history for better understanding. They have experienced [relevant medical events or conditions] in the past, which have influenced their current health status.
  • Dates of Treatment: The treatment for our patient will commence on [start date] and continue until [end date]. This duration has been determined based on comprehensive medical assessments and consultations with our expert team.
  • Details of the Treatment : Our patient will undergo a specialized treatment plan that has been customized to address their specific medical needs. The treatment comprises [specific procedures, therapies, medications, etc.] designed to alleviate symptoms, improve overall health, and achieve optimal outcomes. This tailored approach ensures that the patient receives the most suitable care for their condition.
  • Benefits of the Treatment: The proposed treatment has several advantages for the patient. It aims to [describe how the treatment will benefit the patient, such as relieving pain, improving functionality, enhancing quality of life, etc.]. By undergoing this treatment, our patient can expect to experience [specific positive outcomes].
  • Duration of the Treatment: The estimated duration of the treatment will span [duration in weeks, months, etc.]. During this period, the patient will be closely monitored by our medical team to ensure progress, adjust the treatment plan if necessary, and provide any additional care required.
  • Additional Information: In addition to the aforementioned details, we would like to highlight any other relevant information pertaining to the patient's medical condition. This may include [mention any specific precautions, restrictions, or recommendations].
  • Hospital Invitation Letter: Should you require an invitation letter from our hospital/medical center for your medical treatment abroad, we are pleased to provide this service. A hospital invitation letter serves as an official document that encompasses essential details regarding your medical treatment, trip particulars, personal information, and any other pertinent information required for your visit.

Important note: You have the option to request an invitation letter from the hospital or medical center overseas. This letter, commonly referred to as a Hospital invitation letter, will contain essential information about your medical treatment, travel arrangements, personal details, and other relevant details.

Required Details for Business Purposes

When embarking on a business trip, it is essential for your employer to provide a comprehensive cover letter in support of your business visa application. The cover letter for a business visa should encompass the following key details:

  • Company Letterhead: The cover letter should be printed on official company letterhead, showcasing the credibility and authenticity of your employer.
  • Travel Dates: Clearly state the intended dates of your travel, including the departure and return dates. This information ensures that the visa authorities can accurately assess the duration of your stay.
  • Purpose of the Business Trip: Articulate the specific purpose of your business trip, providing a concise yet comprehensive overview of the activities you will be engaged in during your time abroad. Whether it is attending conferences, meetings, negotiating deals, or exploring potential collaborations, clearly communicate the primary objectives of your trip.
  • Duration of the Trip: Indicate the anticipated duration of your stay abroad, specifying the number of days or weeks you will be conducting business activities. This information aids in determining the appropriate visa validity period.
  • Company Name and Position: Clearly mention the full legal name of your company and your position within the organization. This helps establish your professional standing and affiliation with the company.
  • Visa Type: Explicitly state that you are applying for a Business Visa, ensuring that the visa authorities can accurately categorize and process your application.
  • Employer's Contact Information: Provide up-to-date contact details of your employer, including the company's name, address, phone number, and email address. This information allows the visa authorities to verify the authenticity of the employer and facilitates any necessary communication.
  • Additional Relevant Information: Include any other pertinent details that support your visa application. This may include information about previous business trips, partnerships with overseas organizations, or any significant accomplishments that highlight the purpose and benefit of your trip.

Quick note: In some instances, you may receive an invitation letter from the company you plan to visit abroad. This invitation letter can serve as a valuable supplement to your visa application, demonstrating the host company's interest in your visit and validating the purpose of your trip. Ensure that this invitation letter is attached to your visa application to provide comprehensive documentation.

By incorporating these elements into your cover letter, you can present a compelling case for your business visa application, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

Cover Letter Samples

Below, you will find a variety of cover letter samples that can be helpful for your visa application. Please keep in mind that these samples are provided as general guidelines, and it's important to personalize the letter according to your specific circumstances and requirements.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa or Letter of Purpose of Travel

Date: [Current Date]

Immigration Officer

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Application for Tourism Visa to [Desired Country]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a tourist visa to travel to [country name] from [enter date DD/MM/YY] to [enter date DD/MM/YY]. I am eager to explore the beautiful sights and immerse myself in the rich culture of [country name]. My itinerary includes visiting renowned tourist destinations such as [add places you plan to see]. Additionally, I intend to fully experience the vibrant atmosphere of [city name(s)] to make the most of my trip.

During my stay in [country name], I have made arrangements to accommodate myself at the following hotels:

  • [Hotel Name and Address] - [Date DD/MM/YY]
  • [Hotel Name and Address] - [Date DD/MM/YY]

To provide some background, I am currently employed as a [position] at [company name]. I have been granted vacation days for the aforementioned travel period. I assure you that I have made appropriate financial arrangements to cover all expenses during my visit, and I will be responsible for my own financial support.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find all the necessary documents required for my visa application. I have taken great care to ensure that everything is in order and complete. However, if you have any additional requirements or inquiries, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Thank you in advance for considering my application. I sincerely hope for a favorable response.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Complete Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Sample Cover Letter for Medical Visa

[Official letterhead of hospital/medical institution]

[Current Date]

[Name of Referring Hospital]

[Address and Phone]

[Patient Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to advocate for my patient, [patient Name], and to establish the medical necessity of [medication/treatment/equipment in question] for the effective treatment of [the exact diagnosis]. This letter provides comprehensive information about the patient's medical condition, history, and an overview of the treatment approach.

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [Name], to confirm the medical necessity of [treatment/medication] for [the treatment in question]. This visa letter contains pertinent details regarding [name's] medical diagnosis, history, and a summary of my treatment recommendation.

Patient's Diagnosis and History:

(Include relevant information about the patient's diagnosis and medical history)


(Provide pertinent details about the patient's treatment, including the rationale behind it and its potential benefits for the patient's health)

Treatment Duration:

(Indicate the expected duration of the treatment)


It is crucial to emphasize that the [medication/treatment] is vital for the effective management of my patient's medical condition. With the appropriate treatment and care, my patient has a higher likelihood of successful recovery or improvement.

Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information to facilitate the approval of my patient's medical treatment.


[Name and Signature of Physician]

Quick note: Alongside your medical cover letter, ensure that you include all other relevant required documents such as records of your medical condition and health insurance policies, as they may be necessary for the process.

Here are the for Business Visa

[Letterhead of Company]


[Embassy name]

[Embassy address]

Dear Consul General,

I am writing to provide confirmation that Mr./Mrs. [Name and Last Name] is currently employed at [Company Name] in the capacity of [Job Title/Position].

Over the course of [Number of Years of Employment], Mr./Mrs. [Name] has played a pivotal role in fostering strong relationships with our international investors. We are pleased to inform you that Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be traveling to [City Name], [Country] from [Date of Entry] to [Date of Exit] for a duration of [Number of Days]. The purpose of this trip is to engage in various business-related activities, which are outlined below in detail:

  • [Provide comprehensive information about the specific business activities that will be conducted abroad.]

Moreover, during this period, Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be attending a crucial business meeting in [City Name] to enhance our corporate partnerships with international associates.

During the stay, Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be accommodated at [Hotel Name, Address, Phone Number] and will return to [Country of Origin] as scheduled above.

We kindly request the issuance of a [Visa Type] for Mr./Mrs. [Name and Surname] at your earliest convenience.

Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Warm regards,

[Supervisor's Signature]

[Name and Last Name]


[Phone Number]

[Employer's Address]

What is a Sponsorship Letter?

A sponsorship letter is a crucial document required when the applicant is unable to finance their trip abroad, and instead, the funding will be provided by a sponsor. The letter is written by the sponsor, who will be financially supporting the applicant during their trip. Its primary purpose is to demonstrate that the applicant will have sufficient funds to cover their expenses throughout the entire duration of the trip, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other related costs.

It's important to note that a sponsorship letter should be distinguished from a visa invitation letter. In this context, I will provide a sample sponsorship letter specifically for visa purposes, which can be utilized for sponsorships.

What to Include in a Sponsorship Letter

The sponsorship visa letter should contain comprehensive information about both the applicant and the sponsor. Please include the following details:

  • Applicant's Information:
    • Full name
    • Contact details (address, phone number, and email)
    • Passport or identification document number
  • Trip Details:
    • Travel dates (arrival and departure)
    • Itinerary or schedule of activities during the trip
    • Purpose of the trip (business, tourism, education, etc.)
    • Duration of the Trip:
    • The length of time you intend to stay in the destination country
  • Sponsor's Information:
    • Full name
    • Surname or family name
    • Contact details (address, phone number, and email)
  • Expenses Coverage:
    • Specify which expenses will be covered by the sponsor (accommodation, transportation, meals, etc.)

Additionally, the sponsor should submit copies of the following required documents along with the sponsorship visa letter:

  • Passport or Identification Documents:
    • Provide copies of the sponsor's passport or identification documents.
  • Proof of Sufficient Funds:
    • Include bank statements or payslips demonstrating the sponsor's financial ability to support the applicant during their trip.
  • Travel Itinerary:
    • If applicable, provide a detailed travel itinerary outlining the planned activities and locations during the applicant's stay.
  • Proof of Accommodation:
    • Submit documents confirming the arrangements for the applicant's accommodation, such as hotel reservations or a letter of invitation from the sponsor.
  • Return Flight Itinerary:
    • If required, provide evidence of a return flight booking or plans to ensure that the applicant intends to return to their home country after the trip.

By including these details and supporting documents, you will enhance the credibility and completeness of your sponsorship visa application.

Visa Sponsorship Letter Template

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Immigration Officer

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Sponsorship Letter for [Wife's Name] - Passport No. ________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to provide my full support for the visa application of my wife, [Wife's Full Name], who is a citizen of [Country]. We are planning to travel together to [Destination Name] for tourism purposes, and I will be sponsoring her trip.

We have planned our trip from [Enter date of departure (DD/MM/YY)] to [Enter date of return (DD/MM/YY)]. During this period, we intend to explore various attractions, including [List places you plan to visit]. We have made reservations at [Hotel Name(s)] for the duration of our stay.

As the sponsor, I would like to assure you that I will be fully responsible for all expenses related to my wife's visit, including transportation, accommodation, meals, and any other miscellaneous costs. I have attached all the necessary supporting documents to verify my financial capability to cover these expenses.

Please find enclosed the following documents:

  • Proof of my citizenship as a citizen of [Country]
  • Proof of relationship (marriage certificate)
  • My bank statements for the past six months to demonstrate my financial stability
  • Copy of my passport
  • Copy of my wife's passport

Should you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at the provided phone number or email address. I am more than willing to provide any further details to facilitate the processing of my wife's visa application.

Thank you for considering our request, and we hope for a favorable response. We are eagerly looking forward to exploring the beautiful sights and experiences [Destination Name] has to offer.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

Tips for Writing a Letter for Visa Applications

When writing a letter for visa applications, it's important to provide clear and concise information while conveying your genuine intentions. Here are some tips to help you write an effective letter:

  • Address it correctly: Begin by addressing the letter to the appropriate immigration officer or embassy official. Use the correct salutation and include the embassy's name, address, and contact information.
  • State the purpose: Clearly state the purpose of the letter, whether it's for sponsorship, invitation, or any other relevant purpose. This helps the immigration officer understand the context of your letter.
  • Introduce yourself: Begin by introducing yourself, including your full name, nationality, and current residential address. Mention your relationship to the applicant (if applicable) to establish credibility.
  • Provide details: Include important details such as the dates of travel, intended duration of stay, destination, and any specific plans or activities you have arranged. Be specific and mention any reservations, hotel bookings, or itinerary details.
  • Explain financial responsibility: If you are sponsoring the applicant, clearly state that you will be responsible for their expenses during their stay. Mention the means of funding and provide any necessary financial documents as evidence of your ability to support them.
  • Attach supporting documents: Mention that you have attached all the necessary supporting documents, such as proof of citizenship, relationship documentation (if applicable), bank statements, or any other relevant documents requested by the embassy.
  • Offer contact information: Provide your contact details, including your phone number and email address. This allows the immigration officer to reach out to you for any further information or clarification if needed.
  • Express gratitude and sincerity: End the letter with a polite and sincere closing. Thank the immigration officer for considering the application and express your hope for a favorable response.
  • Proofread and edit: Before finalizing the letter, proofread it carefully for any errors or inconsistencies. Ensure that the information provided is accurate, and the letter is well-structured and coherent.

Remember to tailor the letter to the specific requirements of the visa application and follow any guidelines provided by the embassy. A well-written letter increases your chances of a successful visa application.

Now You Can Confidently Write Your Own Invitation Letter

By following the guidelines provided in this post, you will gain the necessary skills to effortlessly compose a visa letter for any type of visa application. While the sample visa letters can serve as a useful reference, it is recommended to personalize your letter according to your specific circumstances. With the comprehensive understanding of the visa letter writing process provided here, you are well-equipped to create a compelling visa letter that meets your needs.


Where should I submit my visa cover letter?

Once you have written your cover letter, you should submit it alongside your visa application form and other required documents at the Embassy where you will be lodging your visa application.

What are the other required documents along with a visa invitation letter?

As a U.S. visitor, you must ensure that your visa invitation letter is complete and includes all the necessary information about your sponsor, who is a U.S. citizen. Additionally, it would be helpful to include a letter of invitation for a visa and supporting documentation. The other required documents for your visa application include a copy of your passport, I.D., or green card, proof of sufficient funds such as bank statements (if funded by the host in the U.S.), a Declaration of Financial Support or USCIS Form I-134, proof of residence such as your home address or a rental contract, and for students, an enrollment verification letter or a copy of their transcripts. You must attach these documents along with your visa application.

What other countries can I visit with my Schengen visa?

With your Schengen Visa, you can visit the following Schengen Member States in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Why is a cover letter important?

A cover letter is important because it helps explain the purpose of your travel to the embassy authorities responsible for processing your visa application, especially in cases where an in-person interview with a visa officer is not possible, such as when applying through a Visa Application Center like VFS Global. A cover letter not only facilitates the visa processing time but also increases the chances of a successful visa application.

Can I get a Schengen visa without an invitation letter?

When traveling to a Schengen area country for any purpose, it is recommended to have an invitation letter. The invitation letter makes it much easier for the Embassy to grant you the Schengen Visa.

What other documents should I submit alongside my Schengen visa cover letter?

For a successful visa application, you need to submit certain documents that are part of the Schengen Visa requirements. In addition to your cover letter, you must submit a valid passport (valid for 6 months after your trip), two passport-size pictures, a complete Schengen Visa application form, a flight itinerary or return flight ticket, proof of financial means (bank statements for the past 6 months), proof of accommodation (hotel bookings, Airbnb reservations), valid Schengen travel insurance, employment status documents, proof of civil status, and any specific COVID-19 requirements.

How to write a cover letter for VFS Global?

Writing a cover letter for VFS Global is similar to writing a letter to the embassy. Keep in mind that VFS Global acts as a bridge between you and the embassy. When writing a cover letter for VFS Global, you can use the samples mentioned above, depending on the purpose of your travel. Remember that any visa cover letter follows the same principles and format.

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